Yukon Wool Shirt Jac | Gray and Black
Our directions were clear: be saddled and ready to ride well before sunrise. This was because our goal was to ride through the Yaak Valley as the sun crested the peaks. It was exciting and cold. I was grateful for my wool shirt jac. It kept me plenty warm on the ride, then provided a cushion for my backside as we paused under the most beautiful sunrise I’ve ever seen to share breakfast burritos and coffee.
The Yukon Wool Shirt Jac is the ideal men’s wool shirt. Inspired by an often unforgiving wilderness, this heavy-duty piece is designed to keep you warm when the surrounding conditions are anything but. A traditional color-block pattern conjures images of the past while staying classic enough for the future. Don’t be caught without one should you decide to go chasing after that perfect mountain sunrise. I hope you catch it.